Monday, April 22, 2013

Google glass

I find interesting how this is the possible next step in technology. These glasses could eliminate phones, camera, GPS devices, computers, anything. It could be compared to the movie, WALL-E; those who were in the spaceship had a similar device like this. Sadly, this means that we could isolate ourselves and continue having issues with social skills since technology now has, in a way, taken a lot from our lives. We are always on our phones or computers and hardly ever go outside to get some fresh air. This isn't true for many people, but it's happening in our society.


Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Boy, 9, found hanged 'was bullied for being white'

 Tragic: The devastated mother of nine-year-old Aaron Dugmore uploaded the last photo she ever took of her son to Facebook last night after she sound him hanging at their Birmingham home

This is sad since this boy is the second youngest in the UK to commit suicide due to bullying. Bullying should stop since this negatively affects students' academic performance and could lead to mental disorders and other negative things.

 Gun ownership is down while gun sales are up.,0,1744216.story

I understand that this was from the last topic that we talked about, but this still seems interesting.